Speak English

like a robot

like a native
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Get real-time feedback from our top teachers.
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Deep and undisrupted English discussions
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Natural expressions used in real conversations
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Perfect for Intermediate (A2-B2) students
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10,000+ happy students
check mark code applied
Special code successfully applied!
Note: only a few classes are streamed live under students consent.
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3000+ happy students
idiom correction ex mark
Remember what I'm saying.
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Mark my words!
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Do you understand me?
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Do you catch my drift?
idiom correction ex mark
I apologize for the inconvenience.
idiom correction check mark
Sorry for the hassle!
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Let us end the meeting.
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Let's wrap it up!
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You first.
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After you!
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Don't touch.
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Hands off!
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I don't have time.
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I am swamped right now!
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Can you explain it to me?
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Can you break it down for me?
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I have to go.
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I gotta run!
Our students work at:

Is your English awkward because you're trying to directly translate from your own language?

Our teachers will give you feedback so that you can sound natural.

teacher's feedback

Real feedback that was provided by an Immigo teacher in class.

*Real Immigo class snapshot

No more boring textbook English. Speak real English.

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Pass your job interviews
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Feel confident in social situations
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Meet like-minded learners
...we've helped over 10,000 students from 140+ countries reach their goal with English.
Get started
How it works
👀 Pre-class
🤓 In-class
🤩 Post-class
Meet our students from
140+ countries
Loved by 10,000+ happy students
immigo founder picture

Meet the founders

When we moved to the United States from South Korea, we were incredibly shy and nervous about our English. We couldn’t even order a slice of pizza at a pizza place because of self-consciousness.

What truly helped us was the power of community. We practiced English with friends from 20+ countries and became confident day by day.With this, we wanted to give back and share what we were able to get from this experience. Hope you enjoy it as much as we did.

Chelsea and Ryan ❤️

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a dedicated learner